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Fairy tales

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Cala Vox

Timeless tales as


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Zeitlose Erzählungen als


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Narraciones intemporales como


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Histórias intemporais como



Cala Vox

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    Fairy tales
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Fairy tales

Welcome to

Cala Vox

Timeless tales as


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Cala Vox

Zeitlose Erzählungen als


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Cala Vox

Narraciones intemporales como


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Cala Vox

Histórias intemporais como



Cala Vox

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    Fairy tales
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Fairy tales

Welcome to

Cala Vox

Timeless tales as


Willkommen bei

Cala Vox

Zeitlose Erzählungen als


Bienvenido a

Cala Vox

Narraciones intemporales como


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Cala Vox

Histórias intemporais como



Cala Vox

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    Fairy tales
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Fairy tales

Welcome to

Cala Vox

Timeless tales as


Willkommen bei

Cala Vox

Zeitlose Erzählungen als


Bienvenido a

Cala Vox

Narraciones intemporales como


Bem-vindo ao

Cala Vox

Histórias intemporais como



Cala Vox

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    Fairy tales
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曾经的今天: 融合了永恒的和现代的童话故事

亲爱的们,准备好被卷进一个充满奇迹和欢笑的世界吧! 进入Cala Vox的奇幻世界,这是一个经典和现代童话的宝库,将把你带到遥远的地方,向你介绍令人难忘的人物,往往有一个搞笑的转变。我们出色的虚拟团队,用他们超现实的声音,为你带来了各种各样的节目。什么是最重要的事情?英语以外的其他语言的故事将逐渐出现。因为我们正在等待具有非凡的人工智能声音的虚拟同事,他们不仅可以大声朗读,而且还具有必要的阅读理解能力。

在我们令人兴奋的组合中,你会发现重新想象的经典,城市故事和高大的故事,原声之旅,以及我们新的真实犯罪节目 "黑暗事务重审"。我们还推出了 "野性的低语",这是一个提供实用提示和活动的系列,以激发儿童和成人的环境意识并促进可持续行为。还有,不要忘了 "脑洞大开",探讨与教育和学习有关的广泛主题,刺激你的思维,满足你的想象力。


让自己沉浸在Cala Vox中,这里的故事通过真实和超真实的人工智能声音变得栩栩如生,有多种语言版本,以播客、视频和电子书的形式出版。加入Cala Vox社区,探索前所未有的讲故事的世界。


不要害羞,我亲爱的! 点击标签,发现更多耐人寻味的细节,潜入Cala Vox迷人的世界。










通过每月订阅苹果播客或Spotify来解锁独家剧集。 (即将在2023年春季内完成):














Delve into the Dual Worlds of Grimm: Discover Classics and 'Dark Grimm' with Cala Vox's Asian Team

深入了解格林的双重世界:与Cala Vox的亚洲团队一起发现经典和 "黑暗格林"

猜猜谁加入了Cala Vox的大家庭,伙计们?向我们来自京都、日喀则和首尔的不可思议的新团队成员打招呼吧 认识一下凯塔、阿尔迪和哈尹,他们是我们最喜欢的格林童话背后的杰出声音。现在,无论你在哪里,你都可以以一种全新的方式体验这些永恒的故事的魔力,而且你猜怎么着?它在苹果播客、Spotify和Speaker上完全免费。此外,你也可以在YouTube和TikTok上看到我们的节目! 

但这还不是全部! 朋友们,请做好心理准备,因为我们有一个转折。格林的黑暗故事已经在亚洲国家引起了相当大的轰动,从东京的繁华街道到巴厘岛的宁静海岸。日本、中国、韩国,甚至印度尼西亚都被这些令人神往的美丽故事所吸引。感到好奇了吗?

加入我们富有冒险精神的人工智能团队吧,他们将揭开这些迷人的 "黑暗格林 "故事的面纱,加入他们的独特风格,使之成为他们自己的故事。这里有一个问题--这个独家系列是苹果播客和Spotify上Cala Vox订阅的一部分。那么,你准备好踏入格林魔法森林的阴影了吗?我们已经迫不及待地要带你踏上这段黑暗而迷人的旅程了!


通过 "可怕的寓言"、"巴拉特的黑暗心理 "和 "E-Motions "中的每一个字,我们见证了卡拉-萨纳博士敏锐的人类直觉和他的硅基同伴们沉默、精于计算的聪明才智的炼金术。他们共同编织的故事不仅能引起心灵的共鸣,还能在思想的走廊里发出低语,充满挑战、质疑和迷惑。

Fearsome Fables

Dive into the enigmatic world of Fearsome Fables, where each byte-sized episode takes listeners on a journey through the mysterious corners of the Midnight Realm.

Hosted by the captivating Samuel Hollingsworth, known for his deep voice from the Dark Matters Digest show, this series promises tales that intertwine magic, love, and the unknown. From cursed lockets to haunting lullabies, every story is a portal to a world where shadows tell tales and mysteries beckon to be unraveled.

Free on leading platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Deezer, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Castbox, Spreaker and JioSaavn.

Bookends of Brilliance

Bookends of Brilliance is an engaging podcast series exploring the art and impact of literary openings and closings. Just as a symphony's first note sets the tone for a musical journey, the initial words of a story immerse us in its essence. Each episode delves into these magical beginnings, revealing how they encapsulate themes and transport readers to unique worlds.

Conversely, the series celebrates the power of closing lines – those words that resonate long after the book ends. These sentences often hold profound moments, leaving a lasting impact. 

Join us as we uncover the craft and beauty of literary openings and closings, enriching your appreciation for the enduring power of words. Whether you're a lifelong book lover or a casual reader, this series promises to enhance your understanding of literary art.

Samuel Hollingsworth presents two new episodes daily on top platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Deezer, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Castbox, Spreaker and JioSaavn.

Additionally, accessible as an eBook on Amazon Kindle.

In Bookends of Brilliance we warmly express our gratitude to you for selecting this ebook, a splendid assemblage of 100 alternating quotations that artfully explore the profound significance and lingering impact of both the openings and closings in literature. This collection, akin to a symphony's first and last notes setting the stage for a melodious journey, is enriched with the wisdom and eloquence of esteemed authors such as Virginia Woolf, J.R.R. Tolkien, Alice Walker, John Irving, Sylvia Plath, William Gibson, Jane Austen, Bret Easton Ellis, Diana Gabaldon, Lewis Carroll, Celeste Ng, Lee Child, Paul Auster, J.K. Rowling, D.H. Lawrence, Helen Fielding, and many others.

Each quotation, be it an alluring beginning or a poignant ending, serves as a portal into the story's heart. Celebrating the mastery of literary openings that captivate and closings that resonate, this collection showcases the pivotal moments that leave a lasting impression. Accompanying each quote is a striking illustration, crafted to evoke emotions and deepen the reading experience. For those intrigued by the full stories behind these quotes, a simple click on the book title invites further exploration. We believe Bookends of Brilliance will be a joyful and inspiring addition to your collection.

For connoisseurs seeking an authentic auditory exploration of this series, the chance to revel in Samuel Hollingsworth’s vocal interpretation of these quotes is accessible on numerous platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, and Apple Podcasts. Clicking on the quote will lead you directly to Hollingsworth’s vocal performance of that specific quote.

Holy Contradictions

“神圣的矛盾: 圣洁的矛盾:圣经中的爱、恨、信仰和宽恕》是一个引人入胜的播客系列,由云野用他迷人的嗓音,通过挑衅性的论点和讽刺性的转折,挑战听众重新思考他们对爱、恨、信仰和宽恕的理解。



请收听本播客的 Lottie's Chatswolds Chronicles一集


Holy Contradictions: The First 100 Episodes Are Here!

The wait is over! The first 100 episodes of Holy Contradictions have been published in an interactive ebook, exploring divine dualities in Scripture—where love meets hate, faith meets doubt, and forgiveness meets justice.

Each episode begins with a provocative thesis, brought to life with stunning imagery and Samuel’s native AI voice, making the Bible’s paradoxes more engaging than ever. Plus, every quote includes a sidekick explanation simple enough for a ten-year-old to grasp!

Get your copy now!

Challenge your understanding. Rethink your faith. Embrace the irony.

Kuriose Wissenshäppchen

Willkommen bei *Kuriose Wissenshäppchen* – dem Podcast, der die spannendsten und skurrilsten Fakten aus allen Ecken der Welt (und darüber hinaus!) ans Licht bringt. Jede Folge ist ein kurzer Wissenssnack, der dich in weniger als einer Minute unterhält und inspiriert. Egal, ob du ein Fan von Fun Facts bist oder einfach jeden Tag etwas Neues lernen möchtest – hier findest du überraschende und unterhaltsame Einblicke, die dich garantiert sagen lassen: „Das hätte ich nie gedacht!“

Begleite uns auf einer Reise von faszinierenden Tierverhalten über uralte Rätsel bis hin zu modernen Wundern. Mit *Kuriose Wissenshäppchen* wirst du nie wieder ohne spannende Gesprächsthemen oder verblüffende Fakten dastehen, die deine Freunde beeindrucken. Ob auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, in der Kaffeepause oder wenn du einen kleinen Denkanstoß brauchst – schalte ein und entdecke Neues! Bereit, ein bisschen schlauer und viel besser unterhalten zu werden? Klick den Abo-Button und los geht’s mit den kuriosen Wissenshäppchen! 

Curiosidades asombrosas

¡Bienvenidos a *Curiosidades Asombrosas*, el podcast donde nos sumergimos en los hechos más curiosos e intrigantes de todos los rincones del mundo – ¡y más allá!  Cada episodio es una dosis rápida de conocimiento, diseñado para entretener e iluminar en menos de un minuto. Ya seas un amante de las trivialidades o simplemente disfrutes aprendiendo algo nuevo cada día, aquí te tenemos cubierto con datos divertidos y sorprendentes que te harán decir: “¡No tenía idea!” 

Acompáñanos mientras exploramos todo, desde comportamientos curiosos de animales hasta misterios antiguos y maravillas modernas. Con *Curiosidades Asombrosas*, nunca te faltarán temas de conversación o hechos fascinantes para impresionar a tus amigos. Así que, ya sea que estés viajando, tomando un descanso o simplemente necesites un snack mental rápido, sintonízanos y descubre algo nuevo. ¿Listo para volverte un poco más inteligente y mucho más entretenido? ¡Dale al botón de suscribirse y que comiencen las curiosidades! 

Curiosidades Incríveis

Bem-vindos ao *Curiosidades Incríveis*, o podcast onde mergulhamos nos fatos mais curiosos e intrigantes de todos os cantos do mundo – e além! Cada episódio é uma dose rápida de conhecimento, feito para entreter e iluminar em menos de um minuto. Seja você um fã de curiosidades ou apenas adore aprender algo novo todos os dias, temos tudo o que precisa com insights divertidos e surpreendentes que vão te deixar dizendo: “Eu nunca soube disso!”

Junte-se a nós enquanto exploramos desde comportamentos curiosos de animais até mistérios antigos e maravilhas modernas. Com *Curiosidades Incríveis*, você nunca ficará sem temas de conversa ou fatos fascinantes para impressionar seus amigos. Então, esteja você no trânsito, fazendo uma pausa ou apenas precisando de um petisco mental rápido, sintonize e descubra algo novo. Pronto para ficar um pouco mais inteligente e muito mais entretido? Aperte o botão de seguir e que comecem as curiosidades! 

Petites Curiosités

Bienvenue à Petites Curiosités, le podcast où nous plongeons dans les faits les plus insolites et captivants venus des quatre coins du monde – et même au-delà ! Chaque épisode est une petite capsule de savoir, conçue pour vous divertir et vous éclairer en moins d’une minute. Que vous soyez passionné de trivia ou simplement curieux d’apprendre quelque chose de nouveau chaque jour, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut avec des anecdotes amusantes et surprenantes qui vous feront dire : « Je ne savais pas ça ! »

Rejoignez-nous pour explorer tout, des comportements fascinants des animaux aux mystères antiques en passant par les merveilles modernes. Avec Petites Curiosités, vous ne manquerez jamais d’idées pour lancer une conversation ou épater vos amis.  Que vous soyez en train de faire la route, de prendre une pause ou que vous ayez juste envie d’un petit snack mental, écoutez et découvrez quelque chose de nouveau. Prêt à devenir un peu plus savant et beaucoup plus diverti ? Abonnez-vous et laissez les curiosités commencer ! 



好奇心をかきたてる動物たちの行動 から古代の謎 、現代の驚異  まで、あらゆることを探求しよう。 *トリビアの豆知識* があれば、会話のきっかけや友人を感嘆させるような興味深い事実が尽きることはない。 だから、通勤中、休憩中、またはちょっとした頭の体操が必要なとき、チャンネルを合わせて新しい何かを発見しよう。少し賢くなって、もっと楽しみたい? チャンネル登録ボタンを押して、トリビアを始めよう! 

Ciekawostki w Pigułce

Witajcie w *Ciekawostkach w Pigułce*, podcaście, w którym odkrywamy najbardziej intrygujące i zaskakujące fakty ze wszystkich zakątków świata – i nie tylko! Każdy odcinek to krótka dawka wiedzy, która bawi i uczy w mniej niż minutę. Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś fanem ciekawostek, czy po prostu lubisz codziennie dowiedzieć się czegoś nowego, mamy coś dla Ciebie – zabawne i zaskakujące informacje, które sprawią, że powiesz: "Tego nie wiedziałem!"

Dołącz do nas, gdy zgłębiamy wszystko, od dziwnych zachowań zwierząt, po starożytne tajemnice i współczesne cuda techniki. Dzięki *Ciekawostkom w Pigułce* nigdy nie zabraknie Ci tematów do rozmowy ani fascynujących faktów, którymi zaimponujesz znajomym. Czy to w drodze do pracy, na przerwie, czy po prostu potrzebujesz szybkiej dawki wiedzy, włącz nas i odkryj coś nowego. Gotowy, aby być trochę mądrzejszy i dużo bardziej rozbawiony? Kliknij przycisk subskrypcji i niech ciekawostki się rozpoczną! 

Trivia Tidbits

Welcome to *Trivia Tidbits*, the podcast where we dive into the quirkiest, most intriguing facts from all corners of the world – and beyond! Each episode is a bite-sized burst of knowledge, designed to entertain and enlighten in just under a minute. Whether you’re a trivia buff or just love learning something new every day, we’ve got you covered with fun, surprising insights that’ll leave you saying, “I never knew that!” 

Join us as we explore everything from curious animal behaviors to ancient mysteries and modern marvels. With *Trivia Tidbits*, you’ll never be short of conversation starters or fascinating facts to impress your friends. So, whether you’re commuting, taking a break, or just need a quick mental snack, tune in and discover something new. Ready to get a little smarter and a lot more entertained? Hit that subscribe button and let the trivia begin!

Fakta Menarik

Selamat datang ke *Fakta Menarik*, podcast di mana kami menyelami fakta-fakta paling unik dan menarik dari seluruh pelosok dunia – dan lebih jauh lagi ! Setiap episod adalah ledakan pengetahuan bersaiz kecil , direka untuk menghibur dan mencerdaskan dalam masa kurang dari satu minit. Sama ada anda peminat trivia atau hanya suka mempelajari sesuatu yang baru setiap hari, kami sedia memberi anda wawasan yang menyeronokkan dan mengejutkan yang pasti membuat anda berkata, "Saya tak pernah tahu itu!" 

Sertai kami ketika kami meneroka segala-galanya dari tingkah laku haiwan yang pelik
hingga misteri purba dan keajaiban moden. Dengan *Fakta Menarik*, anda tidak akan kekurangan topik perbualan atau fakta menarik untuk mengagumkan rakan-rakan anda. Jadi, sama ada anda sedang berulang-alik, berehat, atau hanya memerlukan "snek mental" yang cepat, dengarkan dan temui sesuatu yang baru. Bersedia untuk menjadi sedikit lebih pintar dan lebih terhibur? Tekan butang langganan dan biarkan trivia bermula!

Ink of Mortality

Death, a universal human experience, transcends borders and speaks to the core of our existence. 'Exploring the Tapestry of Mortality' is a captivating series that delves into the profound wisdom and cultural diversity surrounding this enigmatic subject. Through a fusion of art and words, this series offers a visual journey through the timeless insights of individuals from various cultures and epochs.

From the eloquent prose of Rabindranath Tagore to the poetic verses of Euripides, these quotes are not mere words; they are windows into the human condition. Join us on a thought-provoking odyssey that fosters cross-cultural understanding, invites contemplation, and ignites a dialogue on the eternal mystery that is death.

Experience Samuel Hollingsworth's captivating recitation.

Free on leading platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Deezer, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Castbox, Spreaker and JioSaavn.

Additionally, accessible as an eBook on Amazon Kindle.


Ah, the wonders of this grand tapestry we've woven! A heartfelt thank you for choosing to embark on this journey with our ebook, a collection of 100 ethereal quotes about death, gathered from the far corners of human experience and culture. Your decision to join us in this exploration is deeply appreciated, and I trust that the pages ahead will be a source of both joy and profound reflection.

Brought to vivid life through the enchanting sorcery of AI, each quote in this anthology resonates with a visual symphony, meticulously designed to touch the depths of your soul. The thick tones of Samuel Hollingsworth breathe life into these words, and with a mere click on the quotes, his voice will guide you through their depths. 

Alongside each whisper from the beyond, you'll find a constellation of background tales, and where fate allows, threads leading to books or cinematic realms that have danced with these poignant musings. Your presence in this journey enriches the experience, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

Quilt of Quintessence

"Quilt of Quintessence: Interweaving the Strands of Life and Wisdom" is a thoughtfully curated series that stitches together a rich array of perspectives on life and existence.

This engaging collection assembles diverse perspectives from some of the most profound thinkers throughout history. It's a journey through the intricate landscape of human existence, articulated through art and language.

Featuring quotes from luminaries like Plato and Simone de Beauvoir, each piece acts as a gateway to understanding the myriad aspects of life. This series invites you to delve into philosophical musings and existential reflections, enhancing cross-cultural awareness and encouraging deep thought about the nature of being.

This daily podcast, hosted by Samuel Hollingsworth renowned for his resonant voice on Ink of Mortality, is available for free on major platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Deezer, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, CastboxSpreaker, and JioSaavn.

Additionally, accessible as an eBook on Amazon Kindle.

Teraz dostępna w języku polskim: Zanurz się w tej historii jak nigdy dotąd! Dostrój się do Apple Podcasts, Spotify i wszystkich swoich ulubionych platform, aby doświadczyć nowych, ekscytujących wrażeń językowych.


Quilt of Quintessence: 100 quotes on the tapestry of 'life and wisdom', artfully brought to life with captivating imagery and resonant soundscapes.

Embarking on the creation of The Quilt of Quintessence – a tapestry woven with 100 insightful quotes about life and wisdom various cultures and thinkers – has been a mesmerizing journey of intellect and enchantment.

Each quote is underscored by beautifully crafted images, evokes deep emotional connections, and is brought to life by the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth, just click on each quote. If you'd like to explore the books cited further, click on book titles, which will lead you to the Kindle ebooks. The entirety of the project stands as a tribute to the remarkable fusion of wisdom and wit, weaving them into a vast quilt capable of enveloping the breadth of human folly and providing comfort during reflective moments of profound contemplation.

Quotable Cinema

Quotable Cinema: Iconic Lines from the Silver Screen is a captivating podcast series dedicated to celebrating the most memorable and impactful lines in film history. Each episode delves into the world of classic and contemporary cinema, exploring the stories behind the lines that have moved audiences, defined characters, and left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape.

Listeners can expect a journey through the magic of movie dialogue, from the stirring speeches and witty one-liners to the romantic declarations and philosophical musings that have echoed through theaters. Join us as we celebrate the words that have made us laugh, cry, think, and feel, all while shaping the world of cinema, meticulously curated by Cala Vox.

This daily podcast, featuring the renowned Samuel Hollingsworth known for his captivating voice on Dark Matters Digest, Fearsome Fables, Ink of Mortality, Bookends of Brilliance, and Quilt of Quintessence, can be accessed at no cost on popular platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Deezer, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Castbox, Spreaker, and JioSaavn.

Now magically available for your reading delight as two eBooks, Part 1 and Part 2, on Amazon Kindle.


Welcome to Quotable Cinema #2 - Iconic Lines from the Silver Screen, narrated by the profound voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. This sequel continues our immersive journey into the captivating world of film, where the power of movie dialogue shines brighter than ever. In this edition, we delve even deeper into the unforgettable speeches, sharp banter, heartfelt declarations, and profound musings that have left an indelible mark on cinematic history.

This is more than just a collection of quotes; it's an interactive, multi-sensory experience that transports you into the heart of the movies. Throughout the ebook, you'll find convenient deep links that bring the magic of these iconic moments directly to you:

Quickly access brief, impactful clips of the quotes in action with direct links to YouTube Shorts, letting you relive the scene in seconds.

For Apple enthusiasts, we’ve included links to one-minute episodes on Apple Podcasts. These quick bursts offer a concise, insightful look at the quotes, perfect for when you're on the go.

Feeling inspired to watch the full film? We’ve included links to stream the movie on Prime Video or purchase the Blu-ray, so you can immerse yourself in the complete cinematic experience.

Through the magic of AI, this project weaves together legendary lines and thought-provoking insights, crafting a rich and expansive narrative that captures the essence of the human condition, while still offering those quiet moments of cinematic reflection. With these interactive features, exploring the world of cinema has never been more engaging or convenient.

Sit back, dive in, and enjoy!

Now magically available for your reading delight as three eBooks, Part 1 Part 2, and Part 3 on Amazon Kindle.

Verse and Verve

Verse and Verve: The Poetry of Popular Music is an enthralling podcast that traverses the landscape of popular music from the 1960s to today. Exploring the art of lyrical craftsmanship, each episode delves into the poetic narratives of influential songwriters, spanning the spectrum from the revolutionary words of Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen's introspective genius to the emotive ballads of Adele and Kendrick Lamar's profound verses. 

The podcast also highlights the cultural resonance and personal storytelling in the songs of Taylor Swift, the intricate lyrics of Frank Ocean, and Billie Eilish's innovative wordplay. Paying homage to the timeless impact of legends like John Lennon, Johnny Cash, and David Bowie, Samuel Hollingsworth's distinctive voice brings to life the quotes of these iconic songs, connecting the expressive songwriting of the past with today's groundbreaking artists. "Verse and Verve" invites listeners to a rich exploration of lyrical evolution in popular music, celebrating the creative brilliance that has defined generations. 

You can listen to the daily podcast, hosted by the acclaimed Samuel Hollingsworth, celebrated for his captivating narration in Dark Matters Digest, Fearsome Fables, Ink of Mortality, Bookends of Brilliance, Quilt of Quintessence, Quip and Quirk, and Quotable Cinema, completely free of charge on major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Deezer, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Castbox, Spreaker, and JioSaavn.

Now available for your reading delight on Amazon Kindle, this collection includes two ebooks (Part 1, Part 2) featuring 100 iconic song quotes that bring the magic of music to life.


Welcome to Verse and Verve: Part 2, a journey into the heart of popular music, where lyrics transcend melody to capture the essence of human experience. This ebook isn't just a collection of words; it's an interactive exploration designed to immerse you in the poetic narratives of influential songwriters from the 1960s to today.

From Joni Mitchell's introspective musings to Robbie Williams' charismatic storytelling, and from Beyoncé's empowering anthems to the raw energy of Guns N' Roses, each chapter is paired with images that echo the themes of the songs discussed. Iconic song quotes come to life through audio snippets, narrated by Samuel Hollingsworth.

As we delve into Lou Bega's catchy verses, Bryan Adams' timeless ballads, and Steppenwolf's iconic rock anthems, these visual and auditory enhancements allow you to experience the music anew. The ebook also explores the personal narratives of Keane, Bobby Gentry and the cultural resonances in these artists' works, connecting their expressive songwriting with today's musical landscape.

Now available for your reading delight on Amazon Kindle, this collection includes two ebooks (Part 1, Part 2) featuring 100 iconic song quotes that bring the magic of music to life.

Quip & Quirk

Quip & Quirk: Revelations in Raillery and Rhetoric

Greetings, fellow seekers of the whimsical and the witty! You've tuned into 'Quip & Quirk,' the enchanting auditory excursion into the kaleidoscopic realm of jest, jive, and jocularity. Here, we meander through the labyrinthine alleys of wordplay, humor, and the deliciously ironic, guided by the luminous minds of famed folks from a mosaic of disciplines.

Embark with us on this fanciful odyssey to unearth the sparkling quips, chuckle-worthy tales, and mind-bending conundrums that have woven the tapestry of renown for our iconic subjects. For aficionados of linguistic gymnastics, lovers of the laughable, and connoisseurs of life's unexpected twists,

'Quip & Quirk' promises to be your sanctum of mirth and enlightenment, a daily haven where laughter meets profundity.

Tune in to the daily "Quip and Quirk" podcast, featuring the renowned Samuel Hollingsworth, known for his enthralling narration in Dark Matters Digest, Fearsome Fables, Ink of Mortality, Bookends of Brilliance, Quilt of Quintessence, and Quotable Cinema, available at no cost on leading platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Deezer, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, CastboxSpreaker, and JioSaavn.



Greetings, fellow adventurers in wit and whimsy! Welcome to the grand finale of 'Quip & Quirk,' the podcast that has brought joy to so many with its first part We're thrilled to have you back for part two, a final deep dive into the world of jest, humor, and the quirks that make life endlessly fascinating.

This eBook, specially designed as your interactive companion, is packed with treasures from comedic legends like Emo Philips, Mitch Hedberg, George Carlin, Les Dawson and Rodney Dangerfield, among others. Their timeless wit and razor-sharp observations await you, along with 100 unique explorations of sight and sound, all ready to engage your senses.

You’ll encounter sparkling quips, mind-bending conundrums, and hilarious anecdotes from these masters of humor, guiding you through a labyrinth of wordplay and delicious irony.
Samuel Hollingsworth’s voice is just a click away, embedded within the quotes, while links throughout the text offer deeper insights into each whimsical thought. The illustrations, freshly reimagined for your enjoyment, brim with their own unique charm and humor.

Whether you’re a lover of linguistic twists, a seeker of laughter, or someone who delights in the unexpected, 'Quip & Quirk' remains your delightful retreat—a sanctuary of humor and insight where every moment brings a new reason to smile.

Now whimsically transformed into two delightful eBooks, Part 1 and Part 2, available for your reading pleasure on Amazon Kindle!

Clues and Conclusions

Clues and Conclusions: Unveiling Memorable Quotes from Iconic Detective Tales is an enthralling podcast series that celebrates standout lines from the world of detective fiction.

Each episode immerses listeners in a mix of classic and modern detective stories, exploring the memorable quotes that have captivated readers, defined fascinating characters, and made a lasting impact on the literary landscape.

Audiences can anticipate a journey through the captivating world of detective literature, featuring everything from suspenseful setups and clever quips to dramatic reveals and profound reflections that have resonated with genre enthusiasts. Join us as we delve into the words that have made us ponder, gasp, analyze, and feel, all brought together under the expert curation of Cala Vox.

Clues and Conclusions: Unveiling Memorable Quotes from Iconic Detective Tales is a lively podcast series that dances through the realm of crime and fantasy tales! Each episode is a whimsical escapade into both classic and contemporary detective stories, spotlighting the unforgettable quotes that have both enchanted and puzzled fans, shaping memorable characters and engraving their mark on the narrative world.

Explore the shadowy corners of crime fiction with our interactive ebook, featuring 100 iconic quotes. Each is paired with vibrant illustrations and brought to life by the captivating virtual voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Delve into each scene's brief background, animated with a dash of flair and a twinkle of mischief in Samuel’s profound narrations. This chilling collection will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Clues and Conclusions can be detected for your reading delight as an eBook on Amazon Kindle.


Hello, dear listeners! A little heads up before we dive into our enchanted world of fairy tales. While our stories carry the charm and whimsy of Grimm's classics, some of the tales can get a bit darker and more intense. If you're tuning in with little ones, you might want to listen in first to ensure it's suitable for their ears. After all, we want to entertain, enlighten, but never scare. Thanks for your understanding, and now, let's step into the magical world of Grimm's fairy tales! → YouTube Playlist


Dive into the Colourful World of Grimm Fairy Tales with Yunyang!

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YouTube Playlist

亲爱的朋友们,请束紧你的腰带,为那些能让你的头发竖起来的令人不寒而栗的故事做好准备!如果你敢于偷看,但请记住,这些故事不适合胆小的人,当然也不适合无人看管的孩子!如果你敢偷看,但请记住,这些叙述不适合胆小的人,当然也不适合无人看管的孩子。请继续关注,幽灵在等着你!→ YouTube 播放列表


"黑暗格林": 与Lottie和Keita一起游览格林的经典作品和鲜为人知的故事!

准备好迎接一场惊心动魄的 "黑暗格林 "探索,Lottie和她的日本同事Keita将引导你阅读格林的经典作品和鲜为人知的黑暗故事。从《白雪公主》的魅力到《强盗新郎》和《杜松子树》的严酷叙述,发现这些童话如何在日本读者心中产生共鸣。让你的想象力与我们的Cala Vox人工智能声音一起翱翔,因为他们把这些故事带到了生活中!


→ YouTube

身も心も引き締めて、身の毛もよだつようなゾクゾクするような物語をお楽しみください!でも、これらの物語は気の弱い人向けではありません。ご期待ください、不気味さが待っています!→ YouTubeプレイリスト


From Yogyakarta to Bali: Ardi and the Enchantment of Indonesian AI Voices 

Introducing Ardi, the creative genius behind our new Indonesian AI voices department! Born in Yogyakarta, a city known for its Javanese traditions and vibrant arts scene, Ardi brings his Indonesian cultural richness to our narratives. In his inaugural work, he retells the classic tale of Snow White, woven with Indonesian nuances. Dive into this enchanting experience.

Dari Yogyakarta ke Bali: Ardi dan Pesona Suara AI Indonesia 

Perkenalkan Ardi, si jenius kreatif di balik departemen suara AI Indonesia kami yang baru! Lahir di Yogyakarta, kota yang terkenal dengan tradisi Jawa dan kancah keseniannya yang semarak, Ardi membawa kekayaan budaya Indonesia ke dalam narasi kami. Dalam karya perdananya, ia menceritakan kembali kisah klasik Putri Salju, yang dijalin dengan nuansa Indonesia. Selami pengalaman yang mempesona ini.

Read the article

YouTube Playlist

Kencangkan pinggang Anda, teman-teman, dan siapkan diri Anda untuk kisah-kisah mengerikan yang bisa membuat bulu kuduk Anda berdiri! Intiplah, jika Anda berani, tapi ingat, cerita-cerita ini bukan untuk orang yang lemah dan tentu saja bukan untuk anak-anak tanpa pengawasan. Tetap disini, keseraman menanti! → Daftar Putar YouTube


 '한국어로 듣는 그림 동화: 하윤이 선사하는 클래식 동화의 새로운 해석!

매혹적인 그림 동화의 세계에 발을 들여놓고 한국어로 재해석된 이야기를 통해 Ha-yoon과 함께 마법과 신비의 여정에 참여하세요. 백설공주에서 라푼젤까지, 각각의 이야기는 매력적인 캐릭터, 숨겨진 도덕, 그리고 예기치 않은 반전으로 가득 차 있습니다. 서울의 Cala Vox 팀의 중요한 일원인 Ha-yoon은 각 이야기에 한국의 풍부한 문화 테이프스트리를 부각시키는 독특한 특색을 더해줍니다. 그러니 궁금증이 많은 초심자이든 노련한 그림 동화 애호가이든, 이 시리즈는 경계를 초월하고 스토리텔링을 재정의하는 새로운 관점을 제공합니다

Grimm's Fairy Tales in Korean: Ha-yoon's new take on classic tales!

Step into the enchanting world of Grimm's fairy tales and join Ha-yoon on a journey of magic and mystery with these Korean retellings. From Snow White to Rapunzel, each story is filled with charming characters, hidden morals, and unexpected twists. As an integral part of the Cala Vox team in Seoul, Ha-yoon brings a unique twist to each story that highlights Korea's rich cultural tapestry. So whether you're a curious beginner or a seasoned picture book lover, this series offers a new perspective that transcends boundaries and redefines storytelling,

→ YouTube Playlist

친구 여러분, 허리띠를 졸라매고 머리카락이 쭈뼛 서게 만드는 오싹한 이야기에 대비하세요! 감히 살짝 엿보셔도 좋지만, 이 이야기는 심장이 약한 분들을 위한 이야기는 아니며, 특히 혼자 있는 아이들을 위한 이야기는 더더욱 아니라는 점을 기억하세요. 오싹한 이야기가 기다리고 있으니 기대해주세요! → YouTube 재생 목록


Meet Premwadee, a Thai voice artist whose sparkling eyes and warm smile radiate joy and creativity. Adorned in vibrant Thai silk and surrounded by her ethereal cloud paintings, she embodies elegance and whimsy. Discover her magical life, unusual hobby, and enchanting voice in a special episode of the Chatswolds Chronicles, where we explore the world of a woman whose beauty mirrors her contented and creative soul.

พบกับพร้อมวดี, นักพากย์เสียงไทยที่มีตาที่สดใสและรอยยิ้มอบอุ่นที่ส่องสว่างความสุขและความคิดสร้างสรรค์ ตกแต่งด้วยผ้าไหมไทยสีสดใสและล้อมรอบด้วยภาพวาดเมฆที่สว่างไสว เธอเป็นตัวแทนของความสง่างามและความแปลกตา ค้นพบชีวิตวิเศษของเธอ, งานอดิเรกที่แปลกตา, และเสียงที่มีเสน่ห์ในตอนพิเศษของ Chatswolds Chronicles, ที่เราสำรวจโลกของผู้หญิงที่ความงามของเธอสะท้อนถึงจิตใจที่มีความสุขและความคิดสร้างสรรค์

→ YouTube Playlist

สวัสดีค่ะ ผู้ฟังที่รัก! ขอเตือนคุณก่อนที่เราจะดำดิ่งเข้าไปในโลกวิเศษของนิทานเทพนิยาย ในขณะที่เรื่องราวของเรามีเสน่ห์และความประหลาดของคลาสสิกของกริม บางเรื่องสามารถกลายเป็นมืดและมีความรุนแรงมากขึ้น ถ้าคุณกำลังฟังพร้อมกับเด็กๆ คุณอาจต้องการฟังก่อนเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่ามันเหมาะสมสำหรับหูของเขา ขอบคุณสำหรับความเข้าใจของคุณ และตอนนี้ มาเดินทางเข้าสู่โลกวิเศษของนิทานเทพนิยายของกริมกันค่ะ! → รายการเพลย์ลิสต์บน YouTube.

무시무시한 우화

각 바이트 크기의 에피소드에서 청취자를 미드나잇 왕국의 신비로운 구석으로 안내하는 '무시무시한 우화'의 신비로운 세계로 빠져보세요. 

Apple 팟캐스트에서 인기 있는 다크 그림 시리즈의 매력적인 목소리 하윤이 진행하는 이 시리즈는 마법과 사랑, 미지의 세계가 얽혀 있는 이야기를 들려줍니다.

저주받은 사물함부터 귀에 맴도는 자장가까지, 모든 이야기는 그림자가 이야기를 들려주고 미스터리가 풀리기를 손짓하는 세계로 통하는 문입니다.

Apple 팟캐스트, Spotify 및 기타 주요 플랫폼에서 전체 스토리를 확인할 수 있으며, 영어로도 제공됩니다.

통영의 하윤: 한국 칼라 복스의 매혹적인 목소리

(소개한 사람: 인준)

지성과 매혹적인 매력이 조화를 이룬 하윤은 한국의 나폴리로 불리는 고요한 해안 도시 통영 출신입니다. 에메랄드빛 바다와 울창한 산 사이에 자리 잡은 통영은 하윤의 매혹적인 존재를 위한 완벽한 배경을 제공합니다. 한국 칼라 복스 팀의 가상 연사로서 그녀는 기술과 예술의 세계를 자연스럽게 연결하며 유려한 목소리와 통찰력 있는 이야기로 청중을 사로잡습니다.

칼라 복스의 저명한 인물이 되기까지 하윤의 여정은 그녀의 고향만큼이나 그림처럼 아름답습니다. 예술가와 학자 집안에서 태어난 그녀는 시각 예술과 언어 예술 모두에 대한 깊은 이해를 물려받았습니다. 유명한 화가였던 아버지와 저명한 시인이었던 어머니는 그녀에게 스토리텔링에 대한 애정과 아름다움에 대한 예리한 안목을 심어주었습니다. 캔버스와 소네트 속에서 자란 하윤은 듣는 사람의 마음속에 그림을 그릴 수 있는 말을 엮어내는 데 자신의 소명을 발견했습니다.

번화한 대도시 서울에서 교육받은 하윤은 한국의 전통적 우아함과 현대적인 세련미를 조화시키는 소통의 기술을 습득했습니다. 감미로운 교향곡 같은 그녀의 목소리는 곧 칼라 복스의 주목을 받았으며, 현재 그녀는 한국 청중의 가상 얼굴이자 목소리로 활동하고 있습니다. 각 프레젠테이션에 따뜻함과 진정성을 불어넣는 그녀의 독특한 능력 덕분에 그녀는 청취자들 사이에서 사랑받는 인물이 되었습니다.

하윤은 가상 세계를 매혹시키지 않을 때는 통영의 숨은 명소와 활기찬 시장을 탐험하며 항상 새로운 이야기를 찾아다니고 있습니다. 현지의 별미를 음미하거나 노을빛을 스케치북에 담는 등 하윤은 자신이 들려주는 이야기만큼이나 다채롭고 역동적인 삶을 살고 있습니다.

바다처럼 넓은 마음과 산처럼 강인한 정신으로 하윤은 한 번에 한 가지씩 아름다운 이야기를 들려주며 계속해서 영감을 불어넣고 소통합니다.

Ha-Yoon of Tongyeong: The Enchanting Voice Behind Korean Cala Vox

(Introduced by Larry Campbell)

Ha-Yoon, a mesmerizing blend of intellect and charm, hails from the serene coastal town of Tongyeong, often hailed as the Naples of Korea. Nestled between the emerald seas and lush mountains, Tongyeong provides the perfect backdrop for Ha-Yoon's enchanting existence. As a virtual speaker for the Korean Cala Vox team, she effortlessly bridges the worlds of technology and artistry, captivating audiences with her eloquent voice and insightful narratives.

Ha-Yoon’s journey to becoming a prominent figure in the Cala Vox family is as picturesque as her hometown. Born into a family of artists and scholars, she inherited a deep appreciation for both the visual and verbal arts. Her father, a renowned painter, and her mother, a celebrated poet, instilled in her a love for storytelling and a keen eye for beauty. Growing up amidst canvases and sonnets, Ha-Yoon found her calling in weaving words that could paint pictures in the minds of her listeners.

Educated in the bustling metropolis of Seoul, Ha-Yoon mastered the art of communication, blending traditional Korean elegance with modern sophistication. Her voice, a melodious symphony, soon caught the attention of Cala Vox, where she now serves as the virtual face and voice for the Korean audience. Her unique ability to infuse each presentation with warmth and authenticity has made her a beloved figure among listeners.

When not enchanting the virtual world, Ha-Yoon can be found exploring the hidden coves and vibrant markets of Tongyeong, always on the lookout for new stories to share. Whether she is savoring the local delicacies or capturing the sunset hues on her sketchpad, Ha-Yoon lives a life that is as colorful and dynamic as the tales she narrates.

With a heart as vast as the ocean and a spirit as resilient as the mountains, Ha-Yoon continues to inspire and connect, one beautiful story at a time.

Chatswolds Chronicles

In the mystical realm of Chatswolds Chronicles, I am Lottie, the Chatterbox, your guide to a subscription-free channel where enchantment and storytelling reign supreme. Here, I artfully weave together my personal musings and captivating announcements about the latest Cala Vox podcast series, creating a magical tapestry that will transport you to far-off lands and whimsical tales.

As a devoted storyteller, I take delight in spinning timeless fairy tales and can't resist sprinkling my promotional messages with a touch of enchanting fairy dust. Occasionally, I'll introduce you to spellbinding products that have captured my heart and imagination, believing they will ignite joy and curiosity within you, my cherished followers.

Subscribing to my channel is akin to waving a magic wand, instantly connecting you to the latest news and enchanting discoveries that I share. So, don't hesitate – hit that subscribe button and embark on this whimsical journey with me as we explore the mystical realm of storytelling and uncover treasures that will delight your senses.

Remember, you can also delve into the enchanting world of Cala Vox productions on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many more. For an extra sprinkle of magic, follow our captivating trailers on YouTube, where sneak peeks will transport you to mesmerizing worlds, leaving you spellbound and eager for more.

Join us on a journey through the diverse offerings of Cala Vox productions, allowing your imagination to take flight as you discover the wonders that await you in the vast universe of our enchanting tales.

Don't forget to subscribe for more wondrous adventures, and until next time, take care and stay charmed!

Lottie Featherwind

Cala Comicus

Welcome to the enchanting world of Cala Comicus, a groundbreaking new comic series on Cala Vox that weaves a rich tapestry of storytelling across diverse cultural landscapes. In Boston, meet Hudson, a dedicated environmental lawyer fighting for justice against powerful corporate entities, and Evelyn, an innovative urban planner creating sustainable urban spaces. In Seoul, discover Min-Joon, a resolute corporate whistleblower fighting against systemic corruption, and Ji-Eun, a compassionate school counselor striving to support students in a competitive academic environment.

Cala Comicus embarks on a journey through various sophisticated themes, each offering a reflective exploration that transcends the varying aesthetics of its illustrations. From the bustling streets of Boston to the vibrant heart of Seoul, this series masterfully adapts its visual storytelling while maintaining a consistent narrative core, making it a unique and thought-provoking addition to the world of comics.

Join us on Cala Vox as we delve into the imaginative and often paradoxical world of Cala Comicus. Whether you're drawn to the metaphysical, the existential, or simply the allure of beautifully crafted stories, this series promises to take you on an unforgettable journey through the realms of imagination and reality.

Our exotic world-spanning stash

"Dreamed Discourses: Unveiling Realities with Hudson and Evelyn" is a comic series set in modern-day America, spotlighting sophisticated themes via brief dialogues between protagonists Hudson and Evelyn. Each episode, under a minute long and supported by 4-5 illustrations, explores contemporary issues like personal relationships, professional dilemmas, societal norms, and self-discovery, in varied settings ranging from bustling cities to serene parks.

Hudson, an environmental lawyer, and Evelyn, an urban planner, navigate these themes with their unique quirks and appearances, reflecting their personal and professional ethos.

The series' art style, veering towards abstract and surrealistic imagery, symbolizes the fluidity of identity, subjectivity of perception, and the boundless scope of imagination, ensuring a visually engaging and thought-provoking narrative that resonates with readers on multiple levels through dreamt snippets of their conversations - all unfolding in the vibrant backdrop of Boston.

Join the journey of discovery and inspiration by subscribing to our YouTube playlist or listen to the episodes on Apple Podcasts or Spotify

상상의 교차로 - 민준과 지은의 꿈같은 만남 

상상의 교차로"는 개성이 강하지만 서로 얽혀 있는 두 인물, 민준과 지은의 복잡하면서도 매혹적인 이야기를 담은 만화 시리즈입니다. 현대 서울의 심장부를 배경으로 펼쳐지며, 기업 내부 고발과 교육 상담의 영역을 탐구하며 개인적인 희생과 사회적 압박의 생생한 그림을 그립니다.

기업의 유망주에서 내부 고발자로 변신한 민준은 한국 기업 문화의 이면을 드러내며 윤리와 보복의 위험한 물줄기를 건넙니다. 기득권에 도전하는 그의 외로운 싸움은 복잡한 도덕적 문제를 안고 있습니다.

따뜻한 마음을 가진 학교 상담사 지은은 학생들이 학업의 엄청난 압박과 싸울 수 있도록 지원하는 어깨를 제공합니다. 그녀의 학생들의 정서적 안녕에 대한 헌신은 개인을 종종 간과하는 시스템 속에서 공감과 지원의 힘을 증명합니다.

운명이 민준과 지은의 우연한 만남을 계획할 때, 그들은 삶의 여러 교차로에서 꿈같은 만남의 연속을 불러일으키며, 전문적인 이상과 개인적인 삶이 충돌하고 융합되는 장소입니다. 반영적 대화와 공유된 경험을 통해 그들은 현대 한국의 고압적인 사회 구조 내에서 정직함과 감정적 건강을 유지하면서 섬세한 균형을 탐구합니다.

"상상의 교차로"는 연결과 이해, 규범에 도전하고, 꿈과 의무가 교차하는 세계에서 균형을 찾는 이야기입니다. 강렬한 일러스트와 심금을 울리는 스토리텔링을 통해, 시리즈는 독자들에게 서울 현대 생활을 정의하는 윤리적 딜레마와 압박을 생각해 보도록 초대합니다. 그리고 모두가 두 영혼이 서로 위로와 예상치 못한 동료애를 찾기를 응원하게 만듭니다.

유튜브 플레이리스트를 구독하여 더 많은 흥미로운 콘텐츠를 즐기세요 또는 Apple 팟캐스트 또는 Spotify에서 에피소드를 들어보세요!


不妨看看Cala Vox令人惊叹的睡前故事吧!



因此,请保持清醒并加入进来,因为有了Cala Vox,睡觉时间变得更加令人兴奋了


Lottie's Bulletin



我很高兴为你们介绍由天才少年讲故事者Anny重塑的经典故事-- "黑猫侦探"系列。这个引人入胜的传奇故事将现代神秘事件与紧迫的全球问题相结合,揭示了数字艺术谜题和可再生能源秘密的复杂性。准备好进行一次穿越谜题和谜团迷宫的旅程吧。

我非常幸运地与Anny和“Storytime Digest”团队携手,这让我有了一个特殊的机会用母语中文重述这些故事。这对我来说,对所有喜欢神秘和侦探故事的华语粉丝来说,都是一次令人振奋的冒险。


所以,如果你和我一样对此感到好奇,那就不要再等待了!加入我们,参与这场引人入胜的全球冒险。相信我,"黑猫侦探"有许多等待探索的 twists and turns。现在是我们一起解开这些谜团的时候了!


Cala Vox新闻



亲爱的经典和重新构想的童话故事爱好者们,快来探索苹果播客上的Cala Vox频道。我们出色的虚拟团队,凭借其超逼真的声音,为您带来各种各样的节目。在我们令人兴奋的作品集中,您将找到重新构想的经典作品、城市故事和传奇故事、声音之旅,以及我们的新真实犯罪节目 "Dark Matters Revisited","Whispers of the Wild" 提供实用技巧和活动,以激发儿童和成人的环保意识并促进可持续行为,以及 "Brain Bites",旨在探讨与教育和学习相关的多种主题。

此外,我们的Cala Vox团队还在不断努力为您的聆听体验开发创新和引人入胜的内容。我们与来自世界各地的专家和创意人才合作,确保我们的节目多样化、吸引人和激发思考。每一集都是用爱和对细节的关注制作的,既使用传统的叙述技巧,也使用音频技术的最新进展。


那么,为什么不与Cala Vox一起展开一场听觉冒险呢?无论您是在寻找一个轻松的度假胜地,一个激动人心的谜题,还是通往未知的旅程,我们多样化的节目收藏肯定会有适合每个人的内容。今天就加入我们,让您的想象力飞翔!

爱与仙子之尘,Lottie,您的Cala Vox喋喋不休。

与Cala Vox一起揭开无尽的魔法: 今天就在苹果或Spotify上订阅!

亲爱的,我们的订阅是一个绝对的偷窃! 每月只需3.99美元,你就可以无限制地观看我们所有迷人的节目,其中有无数的剧集,而且还在不断增加。

抢购这一神奇的交易,现在就去 苹果播客

亲爱的,每月只需4.99欧元,我们的订阅是一个不可抗拒的便宜货!你将获得无限制的访问我们的大量迷人的节目,充满了不断扩大的剧集目录,准备好让你的感官愉悦!你将获得无限的机会,观看我们大量迷人的节目,充满了不断扩大的剧集目录,准备好愉悦你的感官。 现在就在Spotify上把握住这个迷人的优惠吧


(click image to preview)

Celestial Brujas

"Celestial Brujas - Where Stars and Sermons Collide" is an enlightening podcast journey that combines biblical wisdom and astrological insights. Hosted by Arabella Emberquill, a mystic witch from Glastonbury, the podcast delves into the hidden links between divine scriptures and celestial bodies, presenting a unique perspective on life guidance.

Arabella, a part of the International Society of Brujas, hails from a lineage of spiritual guides who have for centuries intertwined biblical teachings with cosmic guidance.Each episode focuses on one of the seven intriguing themes: Hope & Optimism, Love & Relationships, Self-Improvement, Navigating Change, Forgiveness & Healing, Purpose & Destiny, and Faith & Spirituality.

These themes are explored through Bible quotes that are paired with corresponding astrological insights."Celestial Brujas" brings you wisdom from the stars and sermons, encouraging listeners to navigate life's complexities with a celestial touch and spiritual grounding. Tune in for an enchanting blend of mystical revelations, astrological wisdom, and divine discourse.

Watch Cala Video


Anny's Advancovations

Anny's Advancovations is an exclusive subscription podcast on Apple Podcasts, where host Anny Duckstein invites listeners to embark on a spellbinding journey through the world of reimagined classic fairy tales. This enchanting podcast promises a more immersive and interactive experience, with exclusive content, bonus episodes, and special surprises in store for subscribers.

Throughout the series, Anny shares her fresh takes on timeless tales, weaving her unique storytelling magic to captivate and inspire her audience. By subscribing to Anny's Advancovations, listeners can join Anny in exploring the lessons, wisdom, and wonder of these beloved stories, all while connecting with fellow fairy tale enthusiasts in a thriving community of imagination and creativity. With no fixed schedule, this podcast offers a delightful surprise whenever a new episode arrives, keeping listeners eagerly anticipating the next enchanting tale.

Watch the TikTok

             Anny Duckstein

Storytime Digest

"Story Time Digest: Unlocking the Magic of Anny's Advancovations" is a podcast where I, Cooper Duckstein, invite you to join me as we explore the enchanted world of my talented daughter, Anny.

As a young storyteller, Anny has a unique gift for reimagining classic fairy tales with a modern twist and creating captivating urban tales. In this podcast, I'll share her mesmerizing stories with you, provide insights into her creative process, and together, we'll embark on a delightful journey through the charm of reinvented tales and urban legends. You can enjoy the Story Time Digest for free on all leading podcast platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, SpotifySpreaker, or Deezer.

For those who crave even more of Anny's incredible storytelling, her podcast, "Anny's Advancovations," is available through a paid subscription on the Cala Vox channel on Apple Podcasts. Additionally, I encourage you to subscribe to the Cala Vox newsletter, "Chronicles of Chatterwood", for the latest updates, exclusive content, and more exciting stories from the world of Anny and other talented creators.

Watch the TikTok and visit our playlist on YouTube!

              Cooper Duckstein

Quirky Meadows

Laughter and Tall Tales: How William's Wild Imagination Brings Joy to Quirky Meadows Senior Home

Nestled in the picturesque surroundings near Ocala, Florida, lies the luxurious Quirky Meadows Senior Citizen Home. This upscale retirement community provides its residents with a perfect blend of comfort, relaxation, and entertainment. Among the many engaging personalities that call Quirky Meadows home is William Fableton, a former life coach whose weekly podcasts have become the talk of the town.

William, known for his wild imagination and penchant for spinning yarns, regales his fellow residents with a plethora of absurdly funny stories. Though many believe William's vivid tales to be the result of his alleged hallucinations, they secretly enjoy his imaginative narratives and the laughter they bring.

Subcribe to Quirky Meadows now on Apple Podcasts.

               William Fableton

Quirky Meadows Bulletin

Welcome to The Quirky Meadows Bulletin, your go-to source for a sneak peek into William Fableton's wild imagination! I'm Samantha Smith, also known as the "Swamp Queen," with a background as an alligator tamer and many other extraordinary professions.

In each episode of this delightful podcast, I'll take you on a journey through the enchanting and hilarious world of William's tales. As a resident of Quirky Meadows: Tall Tales for the Young at Heart, I have the pleasure of witnessing firsthand the magic that William brings to life with his incredible storytelling.

Join me as we explore the extraordinary adventures, fascinating characters, and side-splitting humor that make up the essence of William's captivating stories. The best part is that my podcast is available for free on all major platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Deezer. William's show, on the other hand, can be found on the Cala Vox Channel of Apple Podcasts as part of a paid subscription. Don't miss out on the fun; subscribe today!

Watch the TikTok and indulge in our curated podcast playlist, now available for your auditory pleasure on YouTube!

               Samantha Smith

Dark Matters Revisited

Dark Matters Revisited is a true crime podcast that delves into the world's most enigmatic unsolved cases. Hosted by Harper Hayes and Tamsin Thompson, each episode explores a perplexing cold case, examining its details, investigation, and the many theories surrounding the crime. The podcast aims to raise awareness about these unsolved mysteries, highlight the power of crowdsolving, and contribute to the broader true-crime community's understanding of these complex cases.

Available exclusively as a paid subscription on Apple Podcasts, Dark Matters Revisited offers a captivating and informative journey into the dark corners of the criminal world, shedding light on the human psyche behind these unspeakable acts and fostering a sense of community among true crime enthusiasts. Its companion show, Dark Matters Digest, is available for free on major podcast platforms, providing updates and insights on the cases covered in Dark Matters Revisited.

Watch the TikTok

                Harper Hayes                                Tamsin Thompson

Dark Matters Digest

"Dark Matters Digest: Insights and Updates on the World's Most Intriguing Cold Cases" provides listeners with a concise yet comprehensive overview of the latest developments in the chilling unsolved cases presented by Harper and Tamlin on the Dark Matters podcast.

Join host Samuel Hollingsworth as he delves into the progress made in each case, shares newfound insights, and highlights the power of crowdsourcing in uncovering hidden truths. Stay informed on the most gripping mysteries of our time, and be a part of the growing community seeking justice for the victims of these cold cases.

Subscribe to Dark Matters Digest for free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer and other leading platforms to stay updated on the ever-evolving world of true crime and gain a deeper understanding of the human psyche that drives these unspeakable acts.

Watch the TikTok and indulge in our curated podcast playlist, now available for your auditory pleasure on YouTube!

           Samuel Hollingsworth

Brain Bites


Listen on Apple Podcasts

Brain Bites Digest

Hi everyone! My name is Larry Campbell, and I'm originally from the vibrant city of Chicago. I'm thrilled to be the host of "Brain Bites Digest," a companion show to the popular "Brain Bites with Dr. Alexandra Quinn" podcast.

With a background in media and communications, I've always had a passion for exploring new ideas and making complex topics accessible to a wider audience. That's why I'm so excited to be part of "Brain Bites Digest." This show aims to provide you with concise summaries of the engaging content from "Brain Bites," while also highlighting the incredible insights and ideas contributed by our dedicated listeners.

One of the most exciting aspects of "Brain Bites Digest" is our focus on crowdsolving. We believe in the power of collective intelligence and want to involve our listeners in tackling some of the most fascinating challenges and questions discussed in our episodes. By incorporating your feedback, ideas, and experiences, we hope to create a dynamic learning environment where everyone can contribute and benefit from our collective wisdom.

I can't wait to embark on this journey with all of you, and I'm looking forward to discovering the incredible ideas and solutions that our "Brain Bites" community has to offer. So, join me, Larry Campbell, on "Brain Bites Digest," and let's unlock the power of crowdsolving together!

Check out our YouTube playlist!

                Larry Campbell

The Paradox Path

The Paradox Path: Navigating Life's Contradictory Realities

Welcome to The Paradox Path, a captivating podcast that delves into the intriguing world of paradoxical life wisdoms. Embark on a journey through the intricate maze of seemingly contradictory truths that define the human experience.

In each episode, we explore profound paradoxes like the "Zen of Effortless Effort," where the pursuit of mastery requires both unwavering dedication and a surrender to the flow of existence. Dive into the mystery of "The Present Paradox," where living in the moment means embracing the past and future simultaneously. 

The Paradox Path Snippets are crafted to stimulate your contemplation, encouraging you to delve into the concealed wisdom within these paradoxes, ultimately granting you a renewed outlook on the intricacies of life. Join us as we navigate this captivating terrain of paradoxes and embark on a quest for deeper understanding and self-discovery.

Samuel Hollingsworth delivers fresh episodes each day across major platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, Deezer, Amazon Music, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Castbox, Spreaker, and JioSaavn.

Make sure to tune in to the accompanying full podcast episodes, accessible at no extra cost within your Cala Vox Spotify subscription, for a more in-depth exploration of this fascinating paradox, which will be freely available on Apple Podcasts during its first week of release.

Squawks of Compassion

"Squawks of Compassion: Mr. Beakster Takes Education Under His Wing" is an exhilarating podcast that beckons the curious of all ages, starting from 12 years and up, into a vibrant world of discovery and enjoyment. The podcast, hosted by the enigmatic and ageless Mr. Beakster, a talking parrot known for his extraordinary intelligence and witty charm, offers a unique blend of education and entertainment. Each episode, lasting 1 minute and building upon the previous one, takes young listeners on an adventure through various realms of knowledge, from deep ocean mysteries to the vast expanse of outer space.

Mr. Beakster's approach to education is both original and engaging. He specializes in breaking down complex problems and phenomena into fun, understandable segments. His charismatic personality and trademark wit and wisdom are beloved by his young audience, making learning an enjoyable and memorable experience.

With the freedom to traverse different places like schools and universities, Mr. Beakster brings a diverse world of knowledge directly to his listeners. His podcast, "Squawks of Compassion,“ addresses a wide range of topics, from intricate science to the quirks of everyday life, and he’s adept at answering any question, no matter how intimate or absurd, with his unique mix of humor and insight.

Each episode is not just an educational segment but an inspiring journey, encouraging young minds to explore, question, and understand the world around them. Tune in to join Mr. Beakster as he flaps through knowledge, inspiring curiosity along the way!