Reading skills reach new heights with original Grimm translation

Hi, it's Lottie from the Cala Vox UK podcast team. I wanted to talk to you about something super important: reading comprehension. It's basically the ability to read something and really understand what it's trying to say. It's not just about recognising words, it's about being able to interpret them, work out the context and draw conclusions about what the author is trying to tell you.

Recently, I was challenged to use my skills to read Rumpelstiltskin by the Brothers Grimm in the original language. This was no easy task as the story had been translated by Margaret Raine Hunt and edited by Dr Cala Sana, which meant that there were some tricky words and phrases that I had to navigate.

Rediscover the darkly beautiful and timeless tales of the Brothers Grimm with our new eBook

© DesignSells

(introduced by Abbi)

Enter a world of magic and enchantment: Rediscover the darkly beautiful and timeless tales of the Brothers Grimm with our new eBook - 10 Classic Fairy Tales You Won't Want to Miss!

Dear Reader,

Welcome to this ebook of classic fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, translated by Margaret Raine Hunt and edited by Dr. Cala Sana. Whether you read these stories to yourself or share them with your children as a bedtime story, you'll be transported to a world of wonder and enchantment.

In this collection, you'll find 10 timeless tales that have captured the imagination of readers for generations. Here's a brief overview of each story and its moral:

Magical stories, no effort required

(read by Jenny)

How the Cala fabula channel is the fairy godmother of every busy parent

10 benefits of subscribing to the Cala fabula channel for parents who don't have time to read bedtime stories to their kids

  1. Improves reading skills: Listening to storytelling can help children develop their listening and comprehension skills, which can help them become better readers.
  2. Inspires imagination: Grimm's fairy tales are known for their imaginative settings and characters. Listening to the stories on the Cala fabula channel can help children develop their own creativity and imagination.
  3. Builds vocabulary: Hearing new words in context can help children build their vocabulary and improve their language skills.
  4. Develops critical thinking skills: The stories on the Cala fabula channel often have underlying messages or themes that can help children develop critical thinking skills.
  5. Provides entertainment: Children can be entertained by the stories on the Cala fabula channel while parents take a break or perform other tasks.








童话故事爱好者们请注意! 来自伦敦的阿比将为您带来深受喜爱的格林经典作品《穿靴子的猫》的独家朗读。这个永恒的故事讲述了一只聪明的猫在它那双神奇的靴子的帮助下,从破烂到富有,并帮助它的主人成为王子的冒险故事。


阿比对《穿靴子的猫》的解读现在可以在苹果播客和Spotify上的Cala Vox的Cala fabula频道独家收听,供所有用户欣赏。她迷人的声音将这个经典的故事带入了生活,使其成为儿童和成人的乐趣。




"一个磨坊主有三个儿子,他的磨坊,一头驴子和一只猫;儿子们要磨,驴子要收集谷物和运走面粉,而猫要抓老鼠。磨坊主死后,三兄弟分了遗产:老大得到磨坊,老二得到驴子,老三得到猫。他很伤心,对自己说 "我的大哥知道如何磨坊,我的二哥知道如何骑驴,但我该如何处理这只猫呢?让我用他的皮毛做一副手套,这就完了。"










因此,坐下来,放松,让阿比在苹果播客Spotify上的Cala Vox's Cala fabula频道的 "穿靴子的猫 "中带你进入一个神奇的旅程,该频道只向订阅者开放。不要忘记在Cala Vox上查看她的其他格林故事,了解更多神奇的故事。不要忘记查看必须观看的YouTube短片,在那里你可以瞥见阿比讲魔法故事的行动。





发现白雪公主、小红帽、拇指姑娘和灰姑娘的永恒故事,以及其他四个经典童话故事,在Cala Vox在Spotify上的最新发布中,通过迷人的讲故事而变得生动。这些都是格林兄弟的原文,由玛格丽特-雷恩-亨特翻译,以其最纯粹的形式呈现,没有声音效果,非常适合那些喜欢沉浸在童年经典故事中的人。












Cala Vox在Spotify上的最新版本提供了一种前所未有的睡前体验,格林兄弟的原文由Margaret Raine Hunt翻译,并以迷人的故事叙述。这些永恒的故事,包括《白雪公主》和《小红帽》,非常适合儿童和成年人,将听众带入一个充满奇迹和冒险的神奇世界。


因此,与你的小伙伴们拥抱在一起,让Cala Vox带你穿越有史以来最受欢迎的一些故事。


Little Red Riding Hood gets a new touch with Cala Vox

Fairy tales have enchanted audiences for generations, and Cala Vox is proud to bring a new twist to one of the most beloved stories of all time: Little Red Riding Hood. This classic story has been adapted by Cala Vox and narrated by Liam from our Canadian team, making it a must-hear for anyone who loves fairy tales.

For those unfamiliar with the story, Little Red Riding Hood is the tale of a young girl who sets out through the woods to visit her grandmother. Along the way, she encounters a cunning wolf who tries to trick her into revealing the whereabouts of her grandmother's house. With its themes of cunning and bravery, Little Red Riding Hood has been a staple of fairy tales for centuries.

